Step by Step Guide

  1. Begin by standing tall with your feet shoulder-width apart and arms extended straight out to the sides at shoulder height, palms facing forward.
  2. Tighten your abdominal muscles to stabilize your torso and maintain proper posture throughout the exercise.
  3. Keeping your arms straight, slowly open them outward until they are extended wide to each side, forming a T shape with your body.
  4. Focus on engaging the muscles of the chest, shoulders, and upper back as you open your arms.
  5. At the fully extended position, squeeze your shoulder blades together behind you to further engage the muscles of the upper back.
  6. Imagine trying to touch your shoulder blades together to activate the muscles between your shoulder blades.
  7. From the open position, reverse the movement by bringing your arms back towards the front of your body, crossing them in front of you at chest height.
  8. Keep your arms straight and palms facing each other as you bring them together.
  9. Once your arms have crossed in front of you, reverse the movement again by opening your arms back out to the sides, returning to the starting position.
  10. Focus on maintaining control and engaging the muscles throughout the entire range of motion.
  11. Perform the movement in a fluid and controlled manner for the desired number of repetitions, focusing on proper form and engagement of the target muscles.

Benefits of The Arms Open and Close

  1. Upper Body Strengthening: “Arms Open & Close” targets the muscles of the chest, shoulders, and upper back, helping to strengthen and tone these muscle groups for improved upper body strength and definition.
  2. Shoulder Mobility: By opening and closing the arms, this exercise helps improve shoulder mobility and flexibility, reducing the risk of shoulder injuries and improving overall range of motion.
  3. Posture Improvement: Strengthening the muscles of the upper back helps improve posture by pulling the shoulders back and opening up the chest, reducing rounded shoulders and forward head posture.
  4. Core Engagement: Maintaining stability and proper posture throughout the exercise requires engagement of the core muscles, helping to improve core strength and stability.
  5. Balance and Coordination: “Arms Open & Close” challenges balance and coordination as you move your arms through different planes of motion, improving overall motor skills and movement efficiency.

Tips for Beginners:

  1. Start with Light Weights: If using weights, start with light dumbbells or resistance bands to ensure proper form and avoid strain on the shoulders.
  2. Focus on Control: Perform the exercise in a slow and controlled manner, focusing on feeling the muscles working throughout each repetition.
  3. Maintain Proper Alignment: Keep your spine neutral and avoid arching or rounding your back as you move your arms through the range of motion.
  4. Breathe Rhythmically: Inhale as you open your arms outward and exhale as you bring them back together, maintaining controlled breathing throughout the exercise.
  5. Use a Mirror: Performing “Arms Open & Close” in front of a mirror can help you monitor your form and ensure proper alignment of your arms and torso.